The Bible of James McCord and Jane Scruggs
This Bible consists of only one very old page which lists the children of James McCord and Jane Scruggs McCord, and pages from a notebook written by James T. McCord of Splitlog, Missouri about the McCord family. I will have only a link set up here since this is presented in excellent fashion on the Webpage of Shirley Perez. There is one statement in the notebook which raises a question, but which, I believe, can be explained. He (James T. McCord) writes that "McCord Fort mentioned in early Indian history was located on Robert McCord Farm". There is considerable research showing that this was on land belonging to William McCord, son of William the Immigrant. Since William's brother, John, was living on the William McCord farm at the time of the massacre at McCord's fort, it is reasonable to assume the possibility of other McCord families being there. If anyone can add data that shows him living on the farm that will confirm the James T. McCord letter it would be helpful to nail down the specifics behind the statements in this old notebook. We should also consider that there were other McCords living in the area and these "Back Yard Forts" were commonly used for protection. Many thanks to Shirley Perez and the researchers she has mentioned. Click on the following link to access her Webpage: